Interest groups meet weekly, monthly or randomly, and are coordinated by a member with an interest in the activity. Your ideas and help are appreciated to keep these groups vibrant.
Anne Doyle:
Thursday 19 September, 1.30pm
Mahjong will take place on Thursday 19 September at Green Gables, 241
Bridge St. Please let Anne know if you are attending.
Warren Dellow:
Allan Kilner:
Weekly on a Tuesday at 9.30
Rides are emailed on a Friday for the following Tuesday
Sid McDouall:
Meet at 9.30am, walk for up to an hour at your own pace. We explore
different areas/cafes between Atawhai and Richmond. All walks are flatish.
Coffee & Cake from 10.30am. Just joining us for coffee? Let the organiser
know by 9.30am, so we can confirm numbers with the café. If seriously wet,
just coffee & chat at 10.30am.
2 Sept: Princes Drive (small rises, wonderful views) third time lucky?
PARK: parking bay opposite #281 (just after 2nd speed hump)
COFFEE: S.O.S. (was Zumo)
9 Sept: Maitai Valley (river walk)
PARK: carpark by soccer ground, on left just past Jeckells Bridge
COFFEE: Lily’s Café, Buxton carpark (was Di Pierri’s)
16 Sept: Annesbrook Commercial Area (new)
PARK: WoW carpark
COFFEE: Columbus@Mitre10
23 Sept: Tahuna Beach area (low tide)
PARK: Abel Tasman Statue carpark
COFFEE: Catch 22, Beach Road
30 Sept: Jimmy Lee Creek
PARK: Washbourne Garden
Advanced warning!
Welcome to summer fun bridge Wednesday 20 November at Roundhay
Summerhouse, 10am, shared lunch, finish 3pm. Sign-up board out in October.
Derek Newman:
Usually the first Monday of the month
Weather dependent – check with Derek.
Peter Jamieson
Third quarter Burgundian-themed dinners are underway. Fourth quarter
brunch menu will be going out to group members in early August.
The Akaroa Cooking School is coming up, so please ensure you are booked in.
Payments are due by 15 August. (See separate supplement to this newsletter.)
End-of-year party: Sunday 8 December, 12:30 to 3:30pm.
Tony Elliott:
Usually the last Friday of the month
On Friday 30 August, Alex Rutherford will take us round the aircraft he built,
and a second of the type under construction in the same hanger. A great
example of knowledge combined with practical expertise.
Meet for lunch in the NGC Cafe at 1pm or go to the hanger/workshop at 2pm,
Airport Roundabout, 5 McLaren Drive (past the Aeroclub to the end).
Heather Heath
Usually the second Tuesday of the month at 3pm
The next meeting is 10 September at Karen Clark’s home, 34 Brougham Street,
Nelson. Please let Karen know if you are attending. The books are:
The Magician by Colm Toibin
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store by James McBride
Karen and Louise
Usually the third Wednesday of the month
The next movie night is Wednesday 18 September. If you are interested in
being on the email list, please let Louise or Karen know. They will email the
relevant movies closer to the time. Please let them know if you would like to
join the group for pizza after the movie.
Sally Astridge:
Usually the Wednesday of the week following the Club Meeting.
Meet at the Brick Eatery (opposite the Honest Lawyer on Quiet Woman Way,
and previously called the Orangery) at 12:00 on Wednesday, 28 August. Many
people consider this restaurant to offer the most original menu in the area.
Please call Sally - 545 2244 - if you would like to join us.
Leonie Cameron