Interest Groups

Interest groups meet weekly, monthly or randomly, and are coordinated by a member with an interest in the activity. Your ideas and help are appreciated to keep these groups vibrant.


Anne Doyle:

Usually the third Thursday of the month at 1.30pm

Our first Probus Mahjong of the year will be on Thursday 20 February, 1:30pm

at Green Gables, 241 Bridge St. Looking forward to seeing you all.


Warren Dellow:

Tuesday 18 February, 2.45pm

The topic for this meeting will be: ‘Action’. The Happy Snappers first meeting

of the year will be on Tuesday 18 February at Warren and Leonie’s house, 171

Panorama Drive, Enner Glynn, with a 2:45pm start time


Allan Kilner:

Weekly on a Tuesday at 9.30


The Nicholson's

Meet at 9.30am, walk for up to an hour at your own pace. We explore

different areas/cafes between Atawhai and Richmond. All walks are flatish.

Coffee & Cake from 10.30am. Just joining us for coffee? Let the organiser

know by 9.30am, so we can confirm numbers with the café. If seriously wet,

just coffee & chat at 10.30am.

3 Feb: Nelson Anniversary – no organised walk

10 Feb: Maitai Valley walk – follow the river to the golf course

PARK: The sports ground just after Jeckell’s Bridge

COFFEE: Melrose House

17 Feb: Hoddy Estuary Park

(A bit outside our usual area but a good walk with some shade.)

PARK: just off the Coastal Highway, next road after Research

Orchard Road.

COFFEE: Grape Escape

24 Feb: Orphanage Stream

PARK: Saxton Field Netball Courts




Derek Newman:

Usually the first Monday of the month

Weather dependent – check with Derek.


Peter Jamieson

Gourmet Group members have received the first quarter’s menu – Pacific Rim

fusion. Hosts will be busy organising a date for their guests. This dinner should

be completed by March/April 2025.



Tony Elliott:

Usually the last Friday of the month

Friday 28 February in the Nelson Golf Club boardroom, at 12.30pm. Measuring

your carbon footprint and arrangements for its possible offset.

Friday 28 March in the Nelson Golf Club boardroom. Defyd Williams, with over

25 years of teaching and teacher training experience, will explain the need for,

and progress of change in, the School History Curriculum.


Heather Heath

Usually the second Tuesday of the month at 3pm

Book group will meet at 3pm on 11 February at Lee Blunt’s home, The Quay 2,

Apt. 204, 283 Wakefield Quay.

The book is “The Women” by Kristin Hannah.



Usually the third Wednesday of the month

The next movie night will be Wednesday 19 February. If you are interested in

being on the email list, please let Louise or Karen know. They will email the

relevant movies closer to the time. Please let them know if you would like to

join the group for pizza after the movie.


Sally Astridge:

Usually the Wednesday of the week following the Club Meeting.

The Lunch Bunch will meet for the first time this year at 12:00, on Wednesday,

26 February, at The Hardy Street Eatery.

For those of you who visited the cheese shop at Factory Corner, Richmond,

and listened to the very knowledgeable Virginnia Taylor (Heather and

Graeme’s daughter) you will be delighted to hear that she has opened a retail

outlet immediately opposite The Hardy Street Eatery.


Note: Social Climbers planning meeting - Thursday 20 February 2025, at The

Leonie Cameron:

Honest Lawyer at 3pm. All welcome.

Emerald Pool: Pelorus (Te Hoiere) River - Thursday 27 February

Our first walk for 2025 is to the Emerald Pool on the Pelorus Track. The Pelorus

Track heads along the true left of the Pelorus River through native beech-

podocarp forest. This ‘there-and-back walk’ will take us at least an hour and a

half, one way.

Note this track is tramping grade. After the first km a (1 person only) swing

bridge crosses a side stream, Scott Creek. The track has a number of places

where you have to clamber over tree roots and rocks, and occasionally cross

unbridged creeks.

To get to the start of the track: turn right off SH6 just before Pelorus Bridge

into Maungatapu Road. Follow the road for 14km to the start of the track

where there is parking. Initially t